Result of exalted planet when it is retrograde

There has been consensus on the results of exalted planets between astrologers that they can never give bad results. Experience has been otherwise although. None of the astrologer on Earth has been able to understand the results of exalted planets. This is because planet remains exalted in a sign. By general common sense from zero to 30 degrees a planet can not give same or similar results. It is not only the exaltation  but so many more conditions are advised by traditional astrology that it becomes impossible to understand the result of a planet. To brush up retrogression, combustion, avasthas, ashtakwarga, stregnth of planets, natural maleficence beneficence, aspects, conjunctions, divisional charts etc. so many conditions are advised in astrological texts to reach to any conclusion. 

Coming on to the crux of the matter in this article Exalted planets are expected to give good results and it is believed by majority of astrologers that if exalted planets will get retrograde the results may get reversed.

From more than two decades I have observed astrologers are wasting time on strength of planet from which they see promise in a horoscope. They are not concentrating on the main objective as to what a planet will exactly give in its period. A person can become multimillionaire in a dasa and probably not keeping good health. It’s a common observation MBA’s from premium institutions search for jobs and illiterate people have raised business empires. Successful politicians have disturbed married life or no married life at all. Majority of IAS, IPS officers also do not have rosy married life.  We have examples of Kiran Bedi who hardly lived with his husband and now after retiring from office has become a social worker. Narendra Modi, Jaylalita, Mayawati, Mamta etc. never married whereas Maneka Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi, Indira Gandhi became widow at young age and Nehru had a troubled married life.  

For knowing the result of planet retrogression or exaltation does not matter. They do not have any meaning at all in predictive astrology.  Planets give result according to its position and lordship its nakshatra and sub lord. According to Nadi Astrlogy planet gives result stronger of its Naskshatra and strongest of its sub lord. Let us understand the result if Satrun which is retrograde as well as exalted.


Case – 1

Ascendant is say Pisces and Venus is in 17 degrees and is retrograde. Henceforth Venus will be in Mercury Nakshatra and Mercury’s sub lord. Let us assume Mercury is also is in Pisces with Venus.


                                                Placement          Lordship

Planet                   Venus                   1              3, 8

Nakshatra           Mercury                  1              4, 7

Sub lord               Mercury                 1              4, 7


Now the results of Venus will be ordinary in all the arenas of life. Venus will give results of 1,4,7 stronger and that of 1,3,8 weaker. These houses are good for property and vehicle but are ordinary for education as well as professional life. However no major health problem or litigation is seen as 6 8 12 houses are not predominant.





Case – 2

In second case say Ascendant is Aries and Venus is in 17 degrees in Pisces and is retrograde. Henceforth Venus will be in Mercury Nakshatra and Mercury’s sub lord. Let us assume Mercury is also is in Pisces with Venus.


Placement          Lordship

Planet                   Venus                   12           2,7

Nakshatra           Mercury                  12           3,6

Sub lord               Mercury                 12           3,6


In this case Venus will give result of 3 6 12 houses predominantly. Venus signifies native will not study. Venus is bad for professional life and also signifies litigations in its period.  This concludes that its not the exaltation, retrogression etc. which is important. Its important planet is in which Nakshatra and sub lord and which houses it is lord of and where it is placed.


Umang Taneja



Understanding 5 elements or Panchmahabhutas

All ancient sciences talk of balancing of five elements of life. For a healthy and peaceful living the balancing of these five elements is a must. Every problem is caused by the imbalance of these five elements. Let us try to understand these elements.

Earth (Prithvi)

When we talk of Earth means we are talking of stability. To all living beings Earth gives stability. Hence anything which carries heavy weight, has stability, is solid and is rough and has shape is Earthy element. Simple example of Earthy element are iron bars, stones, bricks, heavy logs of wood, T-Iron, slab, concrete etc. are considered as earthy elements which are primarily used for construction of building at initial stage. They are responsible for shape, stability, strength and age of the building. 

When we talk of eatables any food which is heavier than water is considered earthy element like wheat, rice, jaggery or staple food. All taste sweet.

Qualities – heavy, rough, solid, stable, dense, resistance
Substance – anything solid and heavy 

Water (Jala or Apa)


Water element has weight but it does not carry stability and does not have shape either. You can judge it from water. Water flows. It can not be stable and it takes the shape of the utensil it is kept in. Water is used for cooling as well as lubrication. When we talk of building construction water is required for bondage between cement, stone dust, concrete and Iron bars.

When we talk of eatables water, drinks, soups, cucumber, melons can come into water element.

Qualities – weight, moist, cool, fluidity, no specific shape, lubrication
Substance – anything liquid, fluid or watery 

Fire (Agni or Tejas)

Fire element is hot, sharp, dry and rough and is weightless. Fire element has luster and is attractive.  When we talk of construction of building then we can relate fiery element in building construction is required for making bricks. Paints, whitewash etc. is attributed to Fire element. Fire element also signifies radiation to heat and light. Henceforth tube light, bulbs etc. also signify fire element. Fire element increases glow. When we talk of food items then chilies, ginger, pepper, clove, cumin fall into this category.

Qualities – hot, sharp, dry, subtle, weightless and rough 
Substance – anything combustible and spicy 

Air ( Vayu)

Air element is weightless, mobile, cool and noisy. We can understand by the example of musical instruments like table, mridang, drums are hollow and because of that they make sound. Similarly when you speak air comes out of it. In construction this element is residual of chemical reactions and evaporation is required for setting the RCC etc. Excess of this element in building or human body indicates aging process. When we talk of food items beans, alcohol etc. have this element in abundance. Consuming excess alcohol increases instability in the body.  

Qualities – weightless, mobile, cool, dry, porous, noise and subtle 
Substance – anything dry and airy, or that creates gas

Space (Akash)

The element is difficult to understand however it is hollowness or which gives room or looseness or openness. Everything is contained in space. All heavenly bodies that we see in the sky is in space. When we have to change place we have to make room. When we have to adjust anything we need room.  When we talk of food items hollow foods like pop corn, catechu, fennel fall into this category.

Qualities – soft, light, subtle and abundant. 
Substance – anything that is light, profuse, and ethereal 

Using the characteristics described above, every object around you can be considered and classified. This should be done with the basic understanding that everything is a mixture of different proportions of the elements, some of which may be manifested under different conditions. 

For example, even the compound of water itself cannot be considered to have a single fixed elemental nature. When solid and heavy (ice, snow, hail) it is a representation of earth ( since it is solid, it has shape and stability). It melts due to the exposure of light and heat – fires. So it transforms to water, then evaporates and creates steam due to contact with air and fire (sunlight) and disappears into space. 

The balance and character of elements in the environment constantly fluctuates and is never static – the temperature (fire), humidity (water), dryness (air) and so on are in a natural state of flux, depending upon the combination and quantity of elements present. Sometimes severe weather results when this combination becomes volatile, unsustainable or extreme – electrical storms, cyclones or hurricanes, floods or drought. 

Five elements and its relation to nature, building structures and human body

Humans are one of the many living organisms present on Earth. We are physically made up of exactly the same elements that form all of the other entities that live on Earth. When we die, our bodies return to the earth, water, fire, air and space. A person sustains the combination of elements already present in the body through breathing air and consuming food and liquids – taking in those elements found in the surrounding natural world. 

The “five element” theory explains the similarity between humans and the natural world surrounding them. In our body, space is present wherever there is a cavity like in the nostrils, mouth, ears, throat, lungs, and stomach; air in movement of the lungs, heart, stomach, intestines and joints; fire in all metabolic activity, the eyes, intelligence and body temperature; water in all plasma, blood, mucus, and saliva; and earth in any solid structure like fat, muscles, skin, nails and hair. 

The basic elemental compatibility or similarity between Earth and humans clarifies why substances found in the natural world (plants, herbs, foods) are usually harmonious with the human system. They can be easily absorbed and cause no adverse reactions or side effects (if consumed in appropriate quantities) because they are fundamentally the same in character and composition. This is why foods and herbs are able to heal the human body. Vegetation can repair and restructure humans because they share a common elemental basis.


The human lifecycle is divided into childhood, where physical growth takes place (water and earth), adulthood where activity and change occur (fire), and old age where mobility becomes impaired and the body begins to weaken (space and air). Health problems are also according to age. During physical growth the taste buds also change. Child likes to eat sweet things like (Earth) whereas young man likes to eat spicy food and elderly likes bitter ones. Even the common diseases during childhood are dysentery, at young age is acidity whereas at elder age is arthritis, pain in joints, dry skin, Parkinson etc. It is same as when building is being constructed it requires (water and earth). When structure is complete it requires paint and white wash and after a number of years the building or structure weakens and cracks appear (space and air) in the building.

The year is divided into four seasons – winter when it is cold and rainy (water, earth); spring when new growth occurs and it becomes warmer (water, fire); summer when it is hot and dry (fire, air); and autumn when it is windy and cool (air and space). 

These five elements are further classifieds as

1)     Earth + water = Phlegm (Kaph)

They are primarily used for building construction

Earth elements are bricks, concrete, iron bars added with fillers like cement and stone dust (air element) and water to build structures. Addition of all these creates a chemical reaction (fire). Without the use of water fire and air element the Earth element (bricks, concrete, iron bars) can not join together. However the major element used during construction is water and Earth and all the elements should be properly mixed for maximum strength of the structure. The Earth element is used so that it will give stability for the machinery/ people working on it and in it.

2)     Water + Fire = Pittah

Once the building structure is complete it requires finishing touches, paint and whitewash. This is for decoration or beauty of the building. All these are fiery items including lights. Paint and whitewash is repeated at regular interval for the maintenance of the building and once the building becomes old paint and whitewash can not hide the age of the building.

3)     Air + Space = Vaat

Vaat of building would increase when the building has gone too old and that is the time the pillars and the walls get cracks and that is the time to rebuild the whole structure after demolishing it.

Umang Taneja



What are the results of debilitated planets?

In hindu astrology it is said that planets get debilitated in a particular sign. There is no convincing argument on it however it is assumed as such. Teachers of astrology convince and preach their students that debilitated planets are weak and are bound to give bad results. debilitated signs of the planets are as under: 

PlanetsDebilitated Sign

Sun – Libra

Moon  – Scorpio

Mars -Cancer


Saturn -Aries

Mercury – Pisces

Venus- Virgo

. For a student of astrology debilitated planets is a big puzzle to understand the result of an debilitated planet as to whether the planet is weak or it will give bad result? This is also unclear whether the debilitated planet will give problem in which arena of life marriage, property, vehicle, health, career or what? In certain horoscopes debilitated planets results come good and in some other horoscopes results are reversed. Saturn remains in a sign for 2.5 years. When Saturn will transit Aries children born in this period will be born with debilitated Saturn. Hence the Saturn will give bad results in the Horoscope of all the children?   

Similarly furthermore questions are about the following conditions related to debilitated planets as to what will happen when the debilitated planets will be retrograde, combust, combust as well as retrograde, in different avasthas like balyakal, vridhkal etc., aspected by a malefic, conjunct be a malefic, debilitated navamsa, in dusthana ( 6,8,12 houses) etc.


A student of traditional astrology gets confused while understanding results of debilitated planets.

Let us understand how a planet gives result? Let us take an example of debilitated Saturn and understand the result of it.

A planet gives result of its placement, stronger of its Nakshatra and strongest of its sub lord. Let us understand by following example. 

For an example Saturn is placed in Aries Ascendant and degree of Saturn is 13 degrees and 50 minutes. Hence Saturn will be in Venus Nakshatra and Venus sub lord. Let us assume is in Ascendant. Hence Saturn will give results as follows:


Planet Saturn 110,11

Nakshatra Venus27

Sub lord Venus27


Henceforth Saturn will give result of 2 7 10 11 houses profoundly. Saturn will give really good results in its Dasa periods as well as in Transits.   

Let us take another example when Saturn is in 7th house and is in Aries in Venus Nakshatra and Venus sub lord. Venus is placed in Ascendant. Ascendant in this case would be Libra. Let us assume the degree of Saturn is 13 degree 50 minutes again.  


Planet Saturn 74,5

Nakshatra Venus11,8

Sub lord Venus11,8

In above case Saturn will give result of 1,4,5,8 houses which is different from the above case. Saturn is slightly negative in more and less all the arenas of life in this case. 

The conclusion is it is not the debilitation which is important. Important is at which house planet is placed and which houses it rules. Same is for its Nakshatra and sub lord. This gives clarity of results of planet may be debilitated or what. This is also wrong to conclude that debilitated Sun will give name and fame. If it will be good it will give name and fame in its period according to the principles of Nadi Astrology explained as above. Even Saturn will also give name and fame if it signifies 10,11 houses whether debilitated or not. Conjunctions, aspects etc. Will also not modify these results of Saturn or any other planet as explained in above example. 

Note – If Debilitated planets have been so bad Deepawali would not have been celebrated in Debilitated Sun. Bhaiiya Dooj would not have been celebrated in Debilitated Sun and Debilitated Moon.

Umang Taneja



What are the results of exalted planets?

In hindu astrology it is said that planets get exalted in a particular sign. There is no convincing argument on it however it is assumed as such. Teachers of astrology convince and preach their students that exalted planets are strong and are bound to give excellent results. Exalted signs of the planets are as under: 

Planets Exalted Sign

Sun – Aries

Moon  – Taurus

Mars -Capricorn


Saturn -Libra

Mercury – Virgo

Venus- Pisces

. For a student of astrology exalted planets is a big puzzle to understand the result of an exalted planet as to whether the planet is strong or it will give  excellent result? This is also unclear whether the exalted planet will bestow which event of life marriage, property, vehicle, good health, good career or what? In certain horoscopes exalted planets results come good and in some other horoscopes results are reversed. Saturn remains in a sign for 2.5 years. When Saturn will transit Libra children born in this period will be born with exalted Saturn. Hence the Saturn will give good results to all the children?   

Similarly furthermore questions are about the following conditions related to exalted planets as to what will happen when the exalted planets will be retrograde, combust, combust as well as retrograde, in different avasthas like balyakal, vridhkal etc., aspected by a malefic, conjunct be a malefic, debilitated navamsa, in dusthana ( 6,8,12 houses) etc.


A student of traditional astrology gets confused while understanding results of exalted planets.

Let us understand how a planet gives result? Let us take an example of exalted Saturn and understand the result of it.

A planet gives result of its placement, stronger of its Nakshatra and strongest of its sub lord. Let us understand by following example. 

For an example Saturn is placed in Libra Ascendant and degree of Saturn is 4 degrees and 16 minutes. Hence Saturn will be in Mars Nakshatra and Venus sub lord. Let us assume Mars and Venus are in 8th and 12th house respectively. Hence Saturn will give results as follows:

                           Placement              Lordship

Planet Saturn         1                               4,5

Nakshatra Mars      8                               2,7

Sub lord Venus      12                            1, 8


Henceforth Sun will give result of 7,8,12 houses profoundly. Saturn will give really bad results in its Dasa periods as well as in Transits..   

Let us take another example when Saturn is in 7th house and is in Libra in Mars Nakshatra and Venus sub lord. Mars and Venus are placed in 11th house. Ascendant in this case would be Aries.   

                                                Placement   Lordship

Planet             Saturn                       7        10,11

Nakshatra        Mars                         11       1, 8

Sub lord           Venus                       11        2, 7

In above case Saturn will give result of 2,7,10,11 houses which is different from the above case. Saturn is positive in more and less all the arenas of life in this case. 

The conclusion is it is not the exaltation which is important. Important is at which house planet is placed and which houses it rules. Same is for its Nakshatra and sub lord. This gives clarity that results of planets are given by the Nakshatra and sub lord and not exaltation.  This is also wrong to conclude that exalted Sun will give name and fame. If it will be good it will give name and fame in its period according to the principles of Nadi Astrology explained as above. Even Saturn will also give name and fame if it signifies 10,11 houses whether exalted or not. Conjunctions, aspects etc. will also not modify these results of Saturn or any other planet as explained in above example. 


Umang Taneja

Results of retrograde planet when it is combust?

Outer Planets Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc. retrograde when they are in opposition with Sun. They are surely retrograde when they are 150 degrees to 210 degrees or 6,7,8 houses from Sun. These planets are combust when they are close to sun, say from 10 degrees to 13 degrees. However the inner planets Mercury and Venus are retrograde when they are in between Sun and Earth. Mercury and Venus are combust also when they are between Sun and Earth hence the condition of retrograde planets and combust planets us applicable only to Mercury and Venus.


Let us understand what will be the results of Mercury or Venus when they are in retro and combust Astrologically. According to Nadi Astrology a planet gives result of its Nakshatra and more profoundly of its sub lord. Its own results come bare minimum. Let us take an example of Aries Ascendant whereas Mercury is placed in Aries sign at 15 degrees and 54 minutes and Sun is at same degrees or we can say Mercury is in rapt conjunction and retrograde also. Now Mercury is placed in Venus Nakshatra (Bharani) and Sun’s sub lord whereas Venus is also at same degree. Henceforth result of Mercury will be as follows:

                                                Placement          Lordship

Planet   Mercury (R)                    1                              3,6

Nakshatra Venus                         1                              2,7

Sub lord Sun                                1                              5

Such a Mercury will give results of 1,5 maximum and that 1,2,7 lesser and 1,3,6 the least. Now if Mercury is even direct it will give the same result. By direct I just want to say that Mercury will be on the other side of Sun to Earth.


Note – For astronomical knowledge readers can see the following video to know how Mercury gets combust and retrograde astronomically.


Umang Taneja


What are the results of retrograde planets?

All the planets and heavenly bodies revolve round Sun which is a star. Earth also revolves round the Sun. Moon revolves round the Earth. When we see both Sun and Moon from Earth we find them moving at a direct motion always and is the motion is being repeated at regular intervals. All the planets like Mercury< Venus, Mars, Jupiter Saturn etc. also move round the Sun in regular intervals however nearest Mercury completes single round of the Sun earlier than the planets which are far from Sun according to the Kepler’s law. Now these planets appear to move in retrogression due to their relative motion with Earth from where we see them obviously.

Astrologers from a number of decades are researching and discussing on the results of retrograde planets. Scientifically, planets effect other planets and heavenly bodies by their gravitational pull. Astronomers say that Gravitational force is the strongest force heavenly bodies have. Astrologically planets give result of their Nakshatra and sub lord not the direction of their motion. Let us try to understand by two examples in which a planet is retrograde and is also direct in the same degree and analyse its result.  


Condition 1

Mercury is placed in Aries Ascendant, Aries sign at 14 degrees and 20 minutes and Sun is also in Aries. Now let us assume that Mercury is direct. Now Mercury is placed in Venus Nakshatra (Bharani) and Sun’s sub lord. Let us suppose that Venus is also in Aries. Result of Mercury will be as follows

                                                Placement          Lordship

Planet   Mercury                      1                              3,6

Nakshatra Venus                     1                              2,7

Sub lord Sun                           1                              5


Condition 2

Let us assume now that Mercury is now retrograde and the conditions are same as above. Result of Mercury will be the same:

                                                Placement          Lordship

Planet   Mercury (R)             1                              3,6

Nakshatra Venus                  1                              2,7

Sub lord Sun                         1                              5


Reason to this is that houses signified by planet Mercury are same in both the conditions.


Umang Taneja

What are the results of Combust planets?

A planet gets combust or it cannot be seen when it is near to Sun. This is obvious because Sun is so brilliant the planets become invisible. Lights what planet emit is maximum reflection of the sun light only. Now since the planets are close do their results will also diminish is the main thing we have to understand. Scientifically Planets effect each other by their gravitational pull. Hence a planet whether it is near to Sun or away from Sun its mass remains the same and same as its gravitational pull. Results henceforth will not change either on other planets of solar system. Let us try and understand how a planet gives result astrologically.


A planet gives result of placement in sign, Nakshatra and Sub lord. According to Nadi Astrology Planet gives result of Nakshatra stronger and sub lord the strongest. Let us try to understand this with the help of an example of a combust and a non combust planet. Let us take example of Aries Ascendant. Jupiter is placed in Aries sign at 14 degrees and 40 minutes and Sun is also in Aries which is at 28 degrees.  Now Jupiter is not combust in this case. Jupiter is placed in Bharani Nakshatra (Venus) and Sun’s sub lord whereas Sun is placed in Krittika. Let Venus also join Sun and Jupiter in Aries. Result of Jupiter will be as follows

                                                Placement          Lordship

Planet   Jupiter                  1                              9,12

Nakshatra Venus              1                                2,7

Sub lord Sun                    1                                5


Henceforth in its period Jupiter will give results of 1,5 the strongest/ 1,2,7 weaker and / 1,9,12 weakest. If person is middle aged he will enjoy good health, good professional life and mixed personal life with a bit of differences in opinion because of house 1 being profound. There will be long travel also in the period of Jupiter because of presence of 9,12 houses also.


Now let us take example of combust Jupiter in Aries Ascendant. Jupiter is placed in Aries sign and is close to Sun. Say it is within one degree or is deeply combust. Let Jupiter is in Venus Nakshatra and Sun’s sub lord. Ascendant is Aries and Venus is placed also in Ascendant again at 14 degrees 40 minutes hence Jupiter will give result of following houses.

                                              Placement          Lordship

Planet   Jupiter                    1                              9,12

Nakshatra Venus                 1                              2,7

Sub lord Sun                        1                               5


In both the above cases Astrologically results are the same as the planets give results of their placement in sign, Nakshatras and sub lord.


Umang taneja 


Good professional life inversely proportional to married life

Health, Professional life, Marriage and married life are three main pillars of life. It would be a boon if all the three things remain good in life. I will discuss professional life and married life in this article and will make readers understand as to why people having big administrative jobs have to compromise with married life

Let us try to understand what are the houses related to profession and that of marriage and married life.

Houses related to profession are

2 6 10 11

Management job and promotions

6 11 / 10,11/ 6,10,11


Combinations of Politicians







Houses related to marriage and married life are


2, 7, 11

Good married life


Divorce or separation from spouse



After getting the knowledge of above combinations it is amply clear that houses 6 and 10 are good for professional life / higher management job. For success in politics good houses are 1,6,10.

Houses number 11 is common for success in both profession as well as married life.


In political field its difficult to spare time for family and spouse. One does not have private life. One only have public life. Majority of people know local political leader hence if he is in public places with his family or spouse having dinner or shopping or community garden for morning walk etc. everyone notices him and wants to talk. If one is political leader of state level or national level then he is always target of journalists, terrorists etc. Hence one can not spare time for family. This is how 1,6,10 which makes one big in social life and political life jeopardizes family life.

Now coming on to Administrative officers like IAS, IPS, IFS etc. These people are at key and responsible positions and life is always on toes. Practically they do not enjoy a single holiday in life. They are responsible for any small or big problem in district. For any failure in governance etc. they are transferred to distant places as punishment and result is that they have to stay away from spouse and family. Here again 6,10 combination which makes one administrative officer is adverse for married life.

Similar is the problem of the people who are at top administrative posts in corporates. They have to work 24 hours and 365 days and hence are not able to give time to the family and enjoy married life like common man.

Life is complex, if we have to go higher in professional life we have to compromise it with personal life. So to lead a happy life we have to make balance in all the arenas of life.

 Umang Taneja


Birth in Amavasaya

It’s a common perception that child born on Amavasya will neither be intelligent or he will be of weak heart & will not be courageous. He may also be depressive in nature. This is because it is understood that Moon rules mind and heart. When you are dwelling into answering such questions you will get into additional number of permutations and combinations with Moon in Amavasya or new Moon. These are

Moon in Amavasya and aspected by any of 7 planets

Moon in Amavasya and conjunct with any of 7 planets other than Sun.

Moon in Amavasya and aspected by any of 2 planets of 7 planets.

Moon in Amavasya and conjunct by any of 2 planets of 7 planets other than Sun.

Moon in Amavasya and aspected by any of 1 planet of 7 planets and also conjunct with any of 7 planets.

Then Moon in Aries to Pisces in any of 12 signs and 12 houses come to a figure of 144 permutations.

Then Moon in any of 27 nakshatras and any of 4 charan etc….

List never ends….

It is also a fact that one thirtieth people have taken birth and would take birth in Amavasya and everyone of them would not be of same intellect level and courage. Of them some may become even generals and heroes. How to crack this riddle then?

Let us try to understand the fact that a planet gives result according to its Nakshatra and sub lord. Moon in Amavasya or New Moon will also give results according to this principle. Principle is that Planet gives result of Nakshatra stronger and that of the sub lord strongest. Let us try to understand how this principle works:

For an example Ascendant is Aries and Sun is conjunct with Moon in Taurus in Rohini, Moon’s Nakshatra and sub lord of Saturn whereas Saturn is placed in Libra. Hence Moon will give results as follows:


                                Position Lordship

Planet Moon      2              4

Nakshatra           2              4

Sub lord               7              10,11

Henceforth Moon in its Dasa period is positive for as it signifies combination 2,7 ,11. Moon is also positive for property and vehicle purchase as it also signifies 4,11. Moon is also good for profession as well as education.


Let us take another example whereas Ascendant is Sagittarius and Moon is in Amavasya in Rohini Nakshatra and Saturn is in Taurus with Moon and Sun.

                                Position Lordship

Planet Moon      6              8

Nakshatra           6              8

Sub lord               6              2,3


In above case Moon is bad in all the areas of life. It signifies litigations, disputes, bad profession, bad married life as it predominantly signifies houses 6 and 8. Conjunction of Sun and Moon with Saturn will just add fuel to the fire as Saturn is natural malefic. However even if Saturn would not have been conjunct with Sun and Moon the houses signified in Moon with would give similar results. 

Conjunctions and aspects with any of the planet with Moon just transfers the natural signification of planets. Similarly in whichever house/ sign Moon is present we have to analyze in the manner discussed above.

 Umang Taneja




Majority of people get into problem visit Astrologers/ pundits/ Gurus for predictions and solutions. Some people go for their personal problems, some go for some litigation issue, some other go for problem in child birth or even problems in career etc. When they do not get right guidance from them they try to learn Astrology themselves to know the truth of the science.

Now some of you (who are reading this) join schools of Astrology / read books and some I have seen directly get into Astrology forums in face book and see videos of Astrology on Youtube.  What information you get in all the forums/ schools/ books etc. is a planet is


  1. Uch Neech
  2. Retrograde Combust
  3. Own house, enemy house
  4. Bal a Bal Vichar
  5. Balyakal, Vridh etc.
  6. Shodashvarga
  7. Hundreds of Yog
  8. 6/8, 2/12 etc.
  9. Ashtakwarga
  10. Aspect / conjunction
  11. Bhavat Bhavam
  12. Dispositer
  13. Karak
  14. Enemy friendship
  15. Yogkarak
  16. Raj Yog/ Vipreet Raj Yog
  17. Yogi Avyogi
  18. Varshphal
  19. Many Dasas and so on

Everyone discusses on these issues everywhere even in forums of Astrology. I have also seen people discussing

What will happen when a planet will be exalted and retrograde?

What will happen when a Jupiter is aspected by retro Mercury?

What will happen when a Jupiter is aspected by retro Saturn?

is this neech bhang – when debilitated mars in cancer conjuncts exalted Jupiter in cancer in same house ?

There can be infinite questions life this.

Crux of the matter is if Astrology is a science why learners of Astrology forget to know the answers of these questions?

When a person marries?

Will divorce will happen or reconciliation?

Love marriage or arranged marriage?

When will a lady conceive?

Period of property purchase/ sale.

When will health improve?

Will I get job?

Will I be reinstated job?

When will I be promoted?

Change in job?

Travel, etc.


Try to find direct formulas of events of life rather then getting into confusions and trap of ucch neech/ yogas/ varshphal/shodashvarga/ retro/combust.

Direct formulas of all events are available in Nadi Astrology only.


Umang Taneja