
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto have been discovered in recent times. They do not take part in the Dasa systems for pin pointing events however they show their effects in Transits. Uranus Transits a Sign for about seven years, Neptune eleven years and Pluto thirty years. Because they spend a lot of time transiting a Sign, results matured by them are longer lasting and permanent. Their results affect masses.

Uranus: Uranus is a planet, which signifies revolutions. The key word for Uranus is revolutions. Uranus signifies all revolutions, revolutionary ideas or movements, rebellions, dethroning, assasanations, political agitations, unexpected happenings. Note that it has reference to extremes whether considered good or bad by social norms.

Neptune: Neptune is psychic & therefore arises confusions among people. Neptune signifies all wars or wrong steps emerging out of confusions. It is a kin of Rahu and Ketu and rules frauds and plots. Neptune also promotes exaggerated hopes and expectations.It has reference to inflation of all sorts. Neptune signifying good Houses it promotes democracy, cooperatives, spiritual aspirations, detectives whereas when it signifies bad Houses it signifies the other side of the coin i.e. assasination, frauds, debauchery, plots, secret movements, poisoning, secret socities, mass dillusion, etc.

Pluto : Group activity for accomplishment of some objective is signified by Pluto e.g. revolutions, general massacre. Mars is a soldier & can kill, whereas Pluto believes in mass killings. Therefore mass destruction emerging out of earthquakes, cyclones, atomic explosions etc. are signified by Pluto. It also signifies Dacoits, extremists, human bomb, gangsters, organised crime, racketeers etc. Pluto doesn’t have regard for common people. It imparts dictatorial authority to a person. If Pluto signifies bad Houses and is related to the Ascendant in the ruler of the country he will only dictate and the followers will have to obey and will be severly punished if the orders are not carried out.



Conjunction of Mars and Pluto signifying bad Houses are found in the Ascendant or third House of Horoscopes of Dacoit/extremist. The person does not comply with social norms and law and order. In the Ascendant of the Horoscope of Nathu Ram Vinayak Godse there is conjunction of Mars and Pluto with Neptune. Neptune is psychic in nature and when it signify bad houses promotes confusion and plots. Uranus, which signifies revolt is in the eighth House of Godse. Ascendant is the Sign, Gemini (dual character). Nathu Ram Godse made plot to kill Mahatma Gandhi in full view of public on January 30, 1948. He first touched feet of the Mahatma and then shot him with three bullets (dual character and confusion). In his biography Godse admits that he killed Mahatma because he had difference of view with the policies of Mahatma.




Sanjay Gandhi tried to work for the burning problems of the country in the times of emergency, 1975-1976. Mark the presence of revolutionary, Uranus in the 5th House. He revolutionized family planning. Check out his mode of apprentice, of family planning (pressurizing people for vasectomy) Pluto in the seventh. Neptune in the 9th House urged him to spread effective education programme throughout the country.


Vegetation nearby – Food for human consumption – 3

We know that rice is grown more at places which are hot and humid. Bajra in hot and dry place and wheat at cooler places. We also know that Apple is fruit for mountain region. Citrus fruit is naturally available at cold/ cool places and not at hot and humid places. Goose berry also grows at colder places and is reaped in winters.

Have we ever thought nature is amazing and it grows that vegetables, fruits, staple food which is required to inhabitants of that place. For example variety of spices are naturally available in Kerela because spices are required to be taken by us for igniting digestive fire as digestive fire remains low in hot and humid places. Coconut is available only at costal areas as Potassium is reqd. more by inhabitants of that place.

Its amazing nature knows that Potassium is more required by inhabitants of coastal areas. Coconut oil is suitable for people living in coastal areas. For people in mediterranean, Olive is the oil. What nutrition is required for what place it is all calculated by our nature and it grows for us.

Amazingly so dates come from dessert, coconut from costal, Apple from mountains, Melons from hot places. Message is simple to us by the nature. It grows everything for you nearby. No need to go hundreds and thousands kms. away to search your food.

Let us understand that if I am from Rajasthan which is hot and dry in the day and cold at night Bajra is my staple food. Alloe Vera is my vegetable. Cow’s milk, goat milk, camel milk is nutritious for me. It’s not buffalo milk will not give nutrition or rice will not give me nutrition. It is the vegetation of that place will be easier to digest and more suitable for my body.

For people of Tamilnadu and Kerela wheat and bajra will not be easier to digest as their local rice. Dehradun Basmati is for North Indians. Spicy food is for South Indians when they are living at their local place. For Europeans spices are not required as their digestive fire is already strong as they live in cold places.

More so if I live in Punjab/ Himachal or nearby my local apple is better than American Apple. My pulses/ wheat etc. are more better for  me than I import from any distant country.

Amazingly when hot wave flows there in summers in North India trees drop half ripe mangoes or we say “kacchi  Ambi” in English or raw green mango. Raw green Mango is good for fighting hot wave. Conclusion is that my nature gives me all and that is best for my consumption and that is most nutritious for me and easily digestible also.

Umang Taneja


Advertisement – Food for human consumption – part 2

Few years back Kellogg’s arrived in India and they on TV told everyone that Indians never knew what is breakfast all about and that Kallogg’s cornflakes is the breakfast which gives all the nutrition and rest everything is just useless. For ages Indians never came to know what breakfast and food is all about and we will here to tell you what is it all about. Few months back Kellogg’s company has realised it is not actually the corn but wheat is the real breakfast and their breakfast cereal has all the nutrition which is there in wheat. However they do not advocate to take chapati in breakfast and they advocate Kellogg’s breakfast packet which has qualities similar to wheat or a chapati. Kellogg’s however does not mention as to why then one should eat Rs.1000/- per Kg. Kellogg ‘s which promises ( may not have what they say) and why one should not eat Rs.25/- per Kg. wheat. At least wheat has quality and nutrition which Kallogg’s may not have.

What you will conclude through all the advertisements coming on TV give a wrong picture of what they are selling. Many a times even the eatables they are advertising are not less than poison but the viewer gets attracted by the advertisement, icons who are advertising. Mind it its poison in majority times not the junk food only which these advertisement sell. Following is the list of some of the eatables/ may not be eatables at all which are advertised are poison. As per govt. directions manufacturer has to write what are the contents of the product they are selling. Let us investigate it

Juices popular brands are Tropicana (Pepsi), Maza (Coca cola), Real (Dabur) .

Let us check Tropicana a popular brand mixed fruit ingredients. It contains Water and concentrated mix fruit12.2% from Banana, Apricot, Pineapple, Mango, Orange, Apple, Lime and Strawberry. + Sugar(330, not a good grade)+ Stabilizer (440) + permitted natural colour + added flavour+ no added preservatives. Tropicana claims that it is no.1 juice brand. Just check ingredients sugar is junk food and colours and stabilizers are poisonous. The brand claims that it does not add preservatives however preservatives create heart problems and increase acidity in human digestive system. Some of the preservatives can even cause cancer that is what http://www.livestrong.com explains. Most surprising thing about all juice brands is that there all juices have same taste wherein no two mangoes/ oranges on same tree can have same taste.

Energy drinks

You can go through advertisement “Boost is the secret of my energy” which shows Bharat Ratna Sachin Tendulkar in the advertisement

This is an old advertisement of boost energy drink and intelligent and knowledgeable sportsperson knows well that boost does not carry anything nutritious. It is evident from the fact that Sachin Tendulkar uses is 1.51 Kg bat which is considered as to be extremely heavy as normal batsman use 1 kg. bat for batting. We all know Sachin had health troubles ( tennis elbow and back ache) throughout his sporting career

Now let us compare this with Maharana Pratap whose diet was Bajra, Jaggery and ghee. Worth mentioning that he was a pure vegetarian. What arms he used during the battlefield are as under

weight of  Maharana Pratap spear  – 80 Kg

weight  of  Maharana Pratap’s Armor- 72 Kg

Two 26 kg weight sword were used by Rana Pratap. In total he used to carry around 220 kg when he used to be in the battlefield. Once he cut a horse and enemy general in two pieces with one stroke of his sword.

Drinks like red bull cost Rs.70/- and just carry Caffeine and sugar. All energy drinks are useless. For instant energy banana is the real fruit which should be taken.

Dabba milk versus mother’s milk

All Dabba milk are processed food plus chemicals however body is natural. Do not take risk of feeding your infant with processed food. Four to five decades back even doctors used to advocate dabba milk now from two decades they have also been saying truth. Mother’s milk is the best and is essential for child.

Vanaspati Ghee

Five decade back Vanspati ghee, Dalda/ Rath were advertised as a boon for human civilization. It was advertised cow ghee is the main culprit as to because of this heart diseases are rising. After 2 decades USA banned Vanaspati ghee as the ghee is cancerous as per their new research in addition to it is bad for heart. New research of scientist is cow ghee contains beta carotene which is anti cancerous.

Shelf life

Processed food increases the cost and shelf life of the food product. However the nutritive value is decreased. Shelf life is inversely proportional to nutrition. More is the less life less is nutrition and vice versa. More shelf life means that bacteria show disinterest in the product.  Shelf life is also increased by preservatives which are poison may be slow poison.

Pizza companies Dominos/ Pizza hut etc.

They use Maida ( processed wheat floor) and cheese as prime ingredient which is junk food. Worse is that they serve it with chilled cold drinks. Chilled cold drinks diminish the digestive fire resulting into constipation. Cold drinks themselves are highly acidic and carry concentrated sugar with chemicals and no nutritive value at all.

Cold drinks

Refer to baba Ramdev ji and Rajiv Dixit ji’s audios and videos who proved that cold drinks and specially colas are poison. They will kill your teeth, stomach and intestines.

Tobacco and Liquors

Govt. has banned the advertisement but advertisements are indirectly available.

Khoob rang milega jab mil baithenge teen yaar hum tum aur hamara Bagpiper Soda. And what is Soda? It is compressed carbon dioxide which we should not inhale.

Conclusion – Take wholesome food made available to us by nature and rely on your taste buds. Whatever you feel to eat / drink just go for it. Not the one which is advertised. You can take packed food not processed and advertised one. Lesser the advertisement better the food is. Just remember Amla ( Goose berry) has maximum Vitamin C in it and no one advertises and Amla can not.

Umang Taneja


Food for Human Consumption – Part 1

It’s simple to understand that I should eat which is good for me. One should eat food that is nutritious and easily consumable/ digestible. Little  knowledge of chemistry guides us what we should eat and what we can consume easily.

We consume oxygen day and night. Oxygen, O2 is consumed by  our body throughout the day and night, 24 hours in a day, 365 days a year. Oxygen takes seconds to consumed by our body. Water, H2O is a more complex molecule. We consume  6 to 7 glasses of water daily and water is also easily digestible. It takes no time to digest by human digestive system. More complex molecule than water is glucose  C6H12O6. This also is easily digestible and is consumed by human body in minutes. Glucose contains carbon, oxygen and Hydrogen atoms and is lesser easily digestible than water which contains two different atoms Hydrogen and Oxygen. Oxygen contains two atoms of oxygen which is consumed by our body the fastest.

Glucose is a carbohydrate and more complex carbohydrates like wheat, maize, barley take more time to digest by human body. Fats and proteins are more complex molecules which take more time to digest by human body. Fruits and vegetables take less time to digest wherein staple food like wheat, rice, maize as more time. However vegetarian diet is easy to digest and can not take more than 10 – 12 hours to digest completely in healthy human body.

Now coming on to non – vegetarian food. Non vegetarian food is more complex hence difficult to digest. More complex an animal more complex is its meat to get digested by human body and it may take days to get digested.

It is a known fact that digested food passes through human intestine to the blood stream. If food remain undigested for days then undigested food passes to blood stream giving rise to diseases. Hence vegetarian food is a better option for humans as the human digestion system is also designed for vegetarian food.

“Jaisa Ahar vaise vichar” is a common dictum in Hindu culture. If you take light vegetarian food you will develop more “Satvik” nature whereas if you take non-vegetarian/ heavy and spicy food you develop “Tamsik” nature.

Now I will highlight, darkest days of human civilization on food consumption, the era of Margret Thetcher or the era of Mad Cow Disease*. Margret Thatcher, the then PM of UK (1979 to 1991), ordered to sell dairy products all across Europe.  The cows were given brain of sheep to eat during her time. As a result cows got mad and the consumption of their products resulted into this disease to the consumers in European nations.  As a result of the disease spreading fast in European nation ultimately Margret Thetcher was forced to stop selling these dairy products and had to order to kill those cows. Unfortunate part is Margret Thetcher did this knowingly.

*Mad cow disease effects nervous system and impair brain function.  Native dies in months. One of the feature of mad cow disease is that patient bangs his head against wall. Mad cow disease is also called prion disease and is also found common with people having cannibalism.

Lastly, few lines of on whether one should consume beef or not? Before Humans civilised they used to wander here and there in search of food. When they got civilised they used to have their own farmland and cattle. Of all the cattle, cow is the most sensitive and has affinity to human sentiments.  Hindu sanskriti does not allow to consume meat of any animal which has affinity with humans. This is like the act of cannibalism. Cannibalism can result into mad cow disease and is also very complex food to get digested by human digestive system. It can have more bad effects/ side effects etc. than nutritive value.

Om Tat Sat

Umang Taneja


Prediction of longevity on the basis of Prasna Jyotish

Predicting longevity accurately is a tough task. All the chapters of Astrology like Marriage and relationships, child birth, litigation, health, career, property and vehicle purchase, education, travels have positive and negative houses. Similarly longevity also contains positive and negative houses.

Houses which increase the life of a native are :

1,5,9,10 & 11

Death inflicting houses are :

6,8,12, Badhak & Marak Houses.

Badhak Houses

Badhak houses are as follows :

1)    If  the Ascendant is  movable i.e. any of the 1,4,7,10 sign is in the Ascendant then the badhak house is the 11th house.

2)    If  the Ascendant is  fixed  i.e. any of the  2,5,8,11 sign is in the Ascendant then the badhak house is the 9th house.

3)    However, if the Ascendant is common i.e. any of the 3,6,9,12 sign is in the Ascendant then the badhak house is the 7th house.

Badhak houses as they are classified by their name appear to give obstacles in the life time of  the native. On the contrary they act as death inflicting planets at the time of death only.


Marak Houses

Marak houses are the 2nd & 7th houses in all horoscopes. They act as death inflicting houses at the time of death only.

4th house

4th house in addition to other significances also signify “end of everything”. Hence it is relevant to consider this house here. At the time of death this house also promotes death & transits of the planets in this house are very  significant.


Saturn is the natural significator of death. Saturn plays a major role at the time of death. It is either DBA lord or is conjunct with any of the DBA lord. In transits also it plays major role. It transits in the 6,8,12 or Marak or Badhak houses of the native at the time of death. Pluto also plays similar role more profoundly in unnatural deaths.

Calculation of Longevity

Longevity of a native can be calculated by adding the sum total of life increasing houses (1,5,9,10,11) “A” of  seven planets excluding Rahu & Ketu with their Nakshatra & Sub Lords. For Rahu & Ketu only the planet has to be considered. Similarly the sum total of death inflicting houses ( 6,8,12,badhak) “B” is to be arrived in the seven planets & Rahu & Ketu. Formula of the Longevity is as follows :

Longevity( in years) =        A  /  A + B  X 120 ( of Vimsottari Dasa )

where A is sum total of life increasing houses as calculated above. & B is the sum total of death inflicting houses as calculated above. The exception to the rule of longevity is the house of badhak. The badhak houses are to be added to death inflicting houses. The Marak houses do not come into play in the calculation of longevity in the formula.

As stated it is difficult to calculate longevity due to a number of factors like progress of medical science and also what I feel it is nearly impossible to find birth as well as death.  However I, myself and my students are working on longevity on the basis of Prasna Jyotish and have found in Prasna results are accurate.

Following are the two examples on which Ravinder Kondadhasula have  worked on and got accurate results.

  1. In Astrology forum there was a query about whether the boy who went missing is alive or dead?

Querry: Is he dead?

I know the title is pretty morbid, but horary is all about clear questions right? So I saw on the local news page I follow on Facebook that a teenage boy went missing yesterday (Wednesday) after he failed to show up for cross country practice at his high school. His lunchbox was found on nearby running/hiking/walking trails this morning (Thursday), but there was no sign of him.

they have already made chart according to western system and discussions were there in the forum. I asked the person who has raised the issue to provide a random number and he told 7. I made chart using this number : The periods were Sun-Sat-Rah.

Sun        5                              Sat          7, 11                       Rah        3,4, 6

2, 4.7                                     7,11                                        5

1,4,8                                      7,11                                        3,4,5,6,9,10,12.

I predicted that this boy is alive and he must have gone outside the city in the direction of South-west. Two days latter he wrote back that there was news that this boy found in the nearby town which was south west  from the place he lost.

  1. This is regarding the news whether the cat was killed by wild dogs or not.

The query in the forum:  hey guys I have an urgent question. My friend is away in Belgium and her Cat run out of window, we cant find her and some women told that wild dogs ate her near the building. I don’t think that it happened, but I was wondering do you guys think the same? Many thanks in advance!

I asked for seed and it was given 15. As the DBA planets were signifying 3, 6, 10, 11, I predicted that the news is correct.

Ravinder Kondadhasula – the chart shows its Saturn dasa, antar dasa of Rahu and sub–period of mon. all these are signifying houses which say the news is correct. ie the combinations of 3, 6, 10, 11.

Lidija Tancic – Thank you. she was found dead and the neighbours called the service to pick up the dead cats body. She was dead according to them even at that day when I asked the question. Dogs did attacked her and ate her frown emotion.

However I would also like to share a youtube video of one of my follower, Krishnan from Sweden.

Umang Taneja


Name Correction

In 2008 – 2009 a popular controversy related to Niira Radia and top business men of the country came up in light. The Radia tapes controversy relates to the telephonic conversations between Nira Radia, a lobbyst and an acquaintance of telecom minister A Raja, and with senior journalists, politicians, and corporate houses, taped by the Indian Income Tax Department in 2008–09. Name Niira radia was an eye opener to Astrologers/ numerologist. Normally name Neera is spelled  as Neera or Nira. In all the news Neera name in case of Ms. Radia was printed as Niira Radia. This name Niira is of a concerns.

In past 15 years a new trend of change in spelling has come into light. Belief is that if name of spelling will be changed then life will change. On the contrary, astrologers advocate what is written in the destiny will happen. The destiny depends upon planetary combinations at birth not the name or the spelling of the name. Name – Ram is most poular in Bihar and Eastern UP. You will find majority of people namely Ram-Asray, Ram Lubhawan, Ram Khilawan, Ram lal, Ram Babu etc. doing labour jobs. Probably its not in the name its the planetary combinations which matter.

Now coming on to Niira Radia again. It looks name change was done in her case also. Normally people go to so called people who give astro solutions. One of this solution is name change which came into existence in recent past is now in fashion. Look what difference in name NEERA and NIIRA makes in Numerology

N   E   E    R   A

5 + 5 + 5+2+1 = 1+8 = 9

N   I    I     R   A

5 + 1+1+2+1 = 1+0 = 1

Chaldean Numerology Chart

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Now idea is that if Radia’s birth date has some resonance with 9 or 1 it has to be adjusted with name. But what was the result? She left the work forever after controversy. Investigations still going on and anything can happen.

Indrani Mukerjea has been arrested recently and her sir name Mukherjee has been changed by some great numerologist.  What else one can to speak on this.

These two cases give an idea that better not to go for a criminal activity. Name change/ spelling chnage will not be able to change the destiny.

Umang Taneja


Krishna Janmashtami

The Krishna Janmashtami is celebrated on the eighth day of the Krishna Paksh of Shravan month (August–September) in the Hindu calender. Umang, Ullas and Anand is in the air on this day all across India. In the North Mathura and Vrindavan region Ras Lila and various other dramatic enactments are the main features of the festival whereas Dahi Handi is celebrated in the west in Maharashtara. This tradition is known as Uraidi in Tamilnadu. Its worth mentioning that Lord Krishna is most celebrated God of  India.

I opened TV today and found so called Astrologers and Acharyas advocating what people born in  Aries Rashis to Pisces Rashi have some do’s and don’ts  on the day of Krishna Janmashtami.

Some of salient features are as under. Aries born people should donate flute. They should not do pooja using steel utensils otherwise heavens will fall and they will have serious problems in business etc. Sagittarius born people should do pooja with yellow clothes and yellow flowers on Janamshtami. They do not donate spices otherwise…….. Libra born should donate spices and Tulsi and should not …………

In my understanding Lord Krishna is the only God with whom you can connect with any relation of friend, Pati (Lord), son, father, Guru or whatever you aspire. He is always an inspiration. Arjun found Guru and God in him. Meera found God. Radha found lover and God. Balram found younger brother. All the ladies all across India find lover, thief, naughty boy, son etc. in Lord Krishna and Sudama met his best friend. I pray to all my fellow friends to enjoy the day and try to discover Ullas, Umang and Anand on this great day and follow the teachings of your naughty Krishna.

In my humble opinion these so called who have wasted their lives and shamed Sanatan Dharma do not know iota about the connection of Hindus with Lord Krishna. May God bless them.

Umang Taneja


Muhurat and ritual of celebrating Rakshbandhan

Raksha Bandhan means “the tie or knot of protection”.  It is an ancient Hindu festival celebrating the love and duty between brothers and their sisters.On the day of Rakshbandhan sisters perform Rakhi ceremony, then prays to express her love and her wish for the well being of her brother wherein brothers pledge to protect and take care of sisters under all circumstances. The festival is also popularly used to celebrate any brother-sister relationship between men and women who are relatives or biologically unrelated. A common example is quoted of Rani Karnavati sent a Rakhi to Humayun, asking for help against Bahadur Shah of Gujrat. In epic Mahbharat Draupadi tied Rakhi to Lord Krishna and Mata Kunti tied Rakhi to Abhumanyu her grandson. Rakhi festival is beyond relations, religion, casts etc.

Rakhi festival is observed in the Hindu calendar Poornima in the month of Sravan, which falls in August every year. Nowadays Myths have been added with this ancient festivals as to when the ceremony is to be done on the poornima day.

When I got up in the morning and switched on TV set today on the Rakhi day many so called astrologers converted saints were delivering lectures on various news channels on Rakshabandhan rituals and Muhurat. They were advising as to which is good Muhurat for tying Rakhi for different Zodiac signs. Which sweets and gifts would be given for different zodiac signs. I have devised a simple phrase which I have dedicated to all such astrologers.

Common man minus common sense = Astrologer.

It is not surprising to me as these astrologers calculate Muhurat for Pujas and now they have advising the muhurats to express love amongst brothers and sisters. What heavens are going to fall if sister ties rakhi at 1PM and not at 2PM? beyond imagination. For these astrologers even if Goddess Laxmi will come on Diwali day they will tell her to stay outside till he calculates A Good Muhurat fro her entry into his house. All days are the same to express gratitude and love in all the 365 days of the year. Whenever a sister is in trouble she can ask for help to her brother and that is our Hindu tradition which includes everyone living on this pious land of Bharat. No special ritual, no special thread nothing is required these are just symbolic.

Kal Sarp Yoga or Kal Sarp Dosha

A million dollar question is Kal Sarp is a Yog or a Dosh? I have asked this question to many astrologers and found them saying that when it is auspicious it is Yog otherwise if it is inauspicious it is a dosh. Sachin Tendulkar has Kal Sarp. Hence in his horoscope it is a Yog. This implies that if a person having Kal sarp can rise to become a member of Rajya Sabha without any political background and even win Bharat Ratna. This implies that it is not Kal Sarp or placement of Rahu and Ketu are important. Important is the placement of other seven planets in horoscope.

Rahu and Ketu are not planets but nodal points. When all the planets come on one side of Rahu and Ketu Kal Sarp is formed. A person fall prey easily to Astrologers and ask for remedies once he see this particular formation is his horoscope. Astrologers have developed habit of scaring people for money. This is an easy method to scare as this Kal Sarp can be easily identified by anyone.

Initially in early 90’s Kal Sarp was considered as Dosh and was of just one type and by the end of last millennium Astrologers developed this Dosh further and increased them to 12 types. First type being of 1-7 houses, second type of 2-8 houses and last one being 12-6 houses. Now with the time they have increased to 16000 types. Now if Moon is on other side it is called Anshik Kal Sarp dosh. If two planets are on other side then in some other name and so on.

Result of the Kal Sarp dosh is that there will be problems in life. Truth is more a person rise in life more he is busy and has some or the other problems as he is handling a number of people and number of departments. This is quite natural. There is no valid astrological reason as to why there is a problem due to this formation.

Results in Nadi astrology or predictive astrology are given by planets posited in the Nakshatra and sub lord. Placement of planet in house is of no major importance. Hence placement of Rahu Ketu is of not an issue in house. Their placement in Naskhatra and sub lord is of main importance. Not only Rahu and Ketu but all 9 planets are seen to give predictive results and predicting events.

Conclusion is that all nine planets have to be seen for predicting events. An event is predicted by Dasa, Bhukti, Antar running at the moment and then transits. Nothing can be predicted by just placement of Rahu and Ketu which are Nodal points. Hence there is nothing called Kal Sarp and Astrologer call this formation as Kal Sarp Dosh when Astrologers find person coming in problem. However if Astrologer see this formation in notable person Horoscope who have flourished in life then they say it is Kal Sarp Yog.

Umang Taneja

Result Direct Rahu ?

Sun is a star and all the planets and heavenly bodies revolve round the Sun. Earth also revolves round the Sun. Moon revolves round the Earth. When we see both Sun and Moon from Earth we find them moving at a direct motion always and is the motion is being repeated at regular intervals. All the planets like Rahu , Venus, Rahu , Rahu Saturn etc. also move round the Sun in regular intervals however nearest Mercury completes single round of the Sun earlier than the planets which are far from Sun according to the Kepler’s law. Now these planets appear to move in retrogression due to their relative motion with Earth from where we see them obviously.
Astrologers from a number of decades are researching and discussing on the results of retrograde planets. Scientifically, planets effect other planets and heavenly bodies by their gravitational pull. Astronomers say that Gravitational force is the strongest force heavenly bodies have. Astrologically planets give result of their Nakshatra and sub lord not the direction of their motion. Let us try to understand by two examples in which a planet is retrograde and is also direct in the same degree and analyse its result.

Condition 1
Rahu is placed in Aries Ascendant, Aries sign at 26 degrees and 42 minutes and Sun is in 1st house and Aries sign with Rahu. Now let us assume that Rahu is direct. Now Rahu is placed in Krittika Nakshatra or the Nakshatra of Sun and Sun’s sub lord. Let Mars is in 10th house then the result of Rahu will be as follows:
Rahu as a planet gives the results of
planets it conjoins with,
aspected by planet/ planets and
Sign lord in which is placed.

Hence Rahu’s results will be
   Placement Lordship
Conjunction with Sun 1 5
Aspected by Mars 10 1,8
Sign of Mars (Aries) 10 1,8
Results of Rahu = 1,5,8,10

Final results of Rahu by Nakshstra and sub lord as Astrologically planets give result of their Nakshatra and sub lord not the direction of their motion

Placement Lordship
Planet Rahu 1,5,8,10
Nakshatra Sun 1 5
Sub lord Sun 1 5

Condition 2
Let us assume now that Rahu is now retrograde and the conditions are same as above. Result of Rahu will be the same:
Placement Lordship
Planet Rahu (R) 1,5,8,10
Nakshatra Sun 1 5
Sub lord Sun 1 5
Reason to this is that houses signified by planet Rahu are same in both the conditions.
Hence conclusion is that Retrograde and Direct even stationary are avasthas of planets which does not carry any meaning for predictive results.
Astrologers who do not have any idea about direct Rahu can open ephemeris and check the motion of True Rahu.
Umang Taneja