Classical Books of Astrology, “Mansagari”


Teachers of astrology recommend books to students of astrology. Some books in traditional astrology are given the status of classical books of astrology. They are highly respected books and one of these books is Mansagari. Let us see what the book offers to a new comer/ student of astrology. For an example I have taken two shlokas from mansagari at random


 जिसके दूसरे भावका स्वामी आठवें स्थानमें होय वह पाखण्डी, आत्मघात करनेवाला, दैवकरके प्राप्तभोग विलाससहित और पराये धनके लिये हिंसा करनेवाला होता है । 

Translation – If 2nd house lord is placed in 8th house person will be  shamer, commit suicide, have vices, will kill others for money etc.

 जिसके एकादशका स्वामी सातवें भावमें स्थित होय वह तेजस्वी श्रेष्ठस्वभाववाला संपदापदवीसे युक्त, बडी उमरवाला और निश्चयकरके एकस्त्रीका स्वामी होता है ।

Translation – if 11th house lord is placed in 7th house then the person will be good natured, good status and high position, will have long life and will have one wife.


Above two shlokas and translation in Hindi and English gives results of two planets. One planet is lord of 2nd and is placed in 8th house. The result is person is extremely bad whereas in other shloka when 11th house lord is in 7th house he is extremely good person. Let us assume that both 2nd lord and 11th lords are placed in the above houses in a horoscope. What will be the result. What will an astrologer tell the client? Is he a good person or bad?

Now Mansagari gives the result of all house lord in all 12 houses which amounts to 144 combination irrespective of the degrees of planets. Now eberyone has 9 planets and the results will contradict with each other. Irony of situation is that client/ qeerist coming to astrologer need to ask specific query of marriage, promotion, getting a job can not be adddressed after reading the book, Mansagari.

in addition to it book gives result of  exalted, debilitated, mooltrikona or what not. Conclusion is you get hundreds of combination and you reach nowhere. The results given are illogical and useless to reader of astrology. Mansgari not less than Mangadantsagari. 

Umang Taneja